Dear feminists, please read our policies before ordering from Witches Hit Back store:
To obtain the best quality, we use different providers for our products. These are the delivery times for each:
Classic Shirts, Fitted Shirts, Tank Tops, Sweatshirts, Hoodies:
Shipped from Michigan, United States
Shipping Services: UPS Mail Innovations, UPS Surepost, UPS Mail Innovations International
USA: 5-7 business days
Canada: 10-15 business days
International: 10-30 business days
Long Sleeve Shirts, Fitted Long Sleeve Shirts:
Shipped from Westbury, United Kingdom
Shipping Services – No Tracking: Royal Mail, Swedish Post, DPD
UK: 2-3 business days
Europe: 10-20 business days
International: 15-30 business days
Tote Bags:
Shipped from Florida, United States
Shipping Services: UPS Mail Innovations, UPS Sure Post, APC International
USA: 5-7 business days
Canada: 10-15 business days
International: 10-30 business days
Backpacks, Shoulder backpacks:
Shipped from Fujian, China
Shipping Service: EMS (Express Mail Service)
North America: 7-15 business days
Europe and Australia: 10-15 business days
International: 10-25 business days
All the returns will be accepted within 14 days of the order delivery. Unless the product is faulty, return costs are on the customer, and it has to be made to our address in London, UK.
If your order is faulty or missing (please check delivery times) we will send a replacement order. If the replacement order is faulty or missing, we will refund your money through the payment method you used on checkout. If an international order has not been delivered in 45 calendar days, we request that you contact us within 1 week for an order to be eligible for a replacement.
We cannot refund orders sent to a wrong address, so please double check your address before checking out. Orders returned to us due to an incorrect address entered on the form can be reshipped by paying again the shipping cost.